How to Heal Anxiety

How to Heal Anxiety

Where does Anxiety Originate anyway?

When we forget who we truly are, the mind, with its survival nature, is a subconscious program that runs to keep you safe. It learns and repeats how to keep you safe over and over again. It’s completely addicted. The mind, and eventually, nothing new comes from it unless you go from the back, which is survival, to the front of your mind, the CEO, or the creative center of your mind. So if you want to know How to heal anxiety you’re going to have to know what is going on in your subconscious mind which is 95% of your mind. So let’s do that now.

When you get down here in the doldrums, in the dungeons of the mind, which is your survival response, things start to happen to push you back up, and it’s love or suffering that is going to get you to the front. It’s love or suffering that is going to create spiral Dynamics that shift you one way or another. This is how two paths diverge in a wood for all of us as the famous poem goes. Love and suffering are going to get you up and spiral you upwards towards growth, creativity, and contribution, where you move from a victim to a creator. So there is method to the madness when it comes to anxiety. To learn How to Heal Anxiety we need to know why it is here and what it wants from us. Nothing is random. Nothing.

“As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself…The critical issue is allowing yourself to know what you know. That takes an enormous amount of courage.” – The Body Keeps the Score

The process of How to Heal Anxiety

This is what happens on the road to anxiety recovery. You move from an anxious person to someone who’s completely loving empathic warm patient and kind that’s your true nature. What we need to understand is that all anxiety is separation anxiety! It is separation from the true self that’s what anxiety is and it’s come as a friend, as a messenger and to really overcome anxiety we’ve got to get Beyond The Masks of the personality and really get inside and reconnect with who we truly are. We’ll discuss going through the ways of overcoming Anxiety, of actually how to heal anxiety and how we go about transforming it, not coping with anxiety, that’s yesterday’s news. Today there is a spiritual solution.

Feeling Anxiety alarms in the body

Soon enough though, it starts with thinking, but thinking turns into feeling, and feelings are the shorthand of the brain experienced in the body. So, anxiety is very much experienced in the head for a while, until we can’t contain it anymore and it gushes down into the body. That’s where we feel it – the heart palpitations, the butterflies in the stomach. That’s where we feel anxiety, and it really becomes a construct of a thought in our body. Our body becomes our biology and then our biography; our body becomes our feeling mind. When we’re overwhelmed, our body jumps into overwhelm and sets off an alarm. That alarm, which is very important, goes off in the body, not in the head. With anxiety, first we overthink, and when we overthink anything, it becomes negative. Never forget that. That is science.

How to Heal Anxiety

Just remember that when we overthink, it also becomes obsessive. Anytime we start thinking faster, we try to problem solve. We duck down into survival, we fight, flight, and flee, and we think faster. But it doesn’t work. It doesn’t deliver answers and solutions. It delivers anxiety. We really, really try and overanalyse, over-calculate, and in so doing the brain runs faster. And when that rev counter goes up, if we don’t plug it up there in our mind, those thoughts become feelings as they drop into the body. And when it’s drops into the body, it becomes a compulsion, it becomes what we do with our body. So we might avoid, we might curl up into a ball and panic (it’s different for everybody). We might clutch at our stomachs. We might stay indoors with a migraine for several days – all depends. These compulsive acts of the body are here as alarms and they’re here to tell us something. That’s How to Heal Anxiety as a first step. We need to become aware. We need to listen not run.

Love cures Anxiety

This may be too much for many anxiety sufferers to bear, hear or comprehend. But here goes anyways. Love cures Anxiety and everything else, really. We don’t notice it! Understanding that anxiety causes a separation from the self is very important, because it’s a lack of love that we have for ourselves. Love is a very big subject that’s often overlooked. It’s self-care, nurturing, calm, being patient, highly forgiving, enduring, and courageous. In other words, it stays in EQ, so love that’s cut off from ourselves, or separate from ourselves, we can call separation anxiety. So, where that comes from is very important when it comes to anxiety. We don’t want to cope with anxiety, we don’t want to treat anxiety. We want to understand how to heal and anxiety and then leave it behind for good. That’s what is supposed to happen when we get the message.

“Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important.” —Natalie Goldberg

How to Heal Anxiety, rather than learn ways to cope with it, is something very few people actually know is possible in short periods of time. We do this at The private, luxury seaside anxiety and stress clinic, Center for Healing and Life Transformation in South Africa every day. You can also do the Paradigm Process course online. Healing from addictions, stress, personality disorders, past trauma, and especially finding meaning and purpose are what life is about. So let me say that again, how to Heal Anxiety rather than learn ways to cope with it, is something very few people actually know is possible in short periods of time! Our message is: why wait! Follow the blog and YouTube channel for more on How to Heal Anxiety as well as depression, personality disorders, ADHD, neurodiversity challenges and well, everything else. We are not here on earth to just mess around. We’re here to create and overcome. Namaste.

How to Heal Anxiety

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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