Becoming Quantum Sensory

Becoming Quantum Sensory so that we can then understand that, now get this part, that there’s a marvellous and wonderful shift to a universal nature we can take and we need that first personality we create in childhood to contain who we are to become. Who we become is the ‘I am’ that is the universe, the cosmos and nature. It’s part of the Creator, part of God. That was His, or Her, intention; to create you as ‘part-of’ it all.

Becoming Quantum Sensory means that you discover that you are not your 5 senses. You are not a physical blob of cells. You wake up to the fact that animals have sight, sound, touch, taste and smell too. Yet, if you really dig down it’s not that hard to ‘feel’ that you have insight into something more. You have an imagination that can take you on a tour of the world. You have the power of intention that can manifest a career and even a purpose for your life. If you get still for long enough you will soon realise that your extrasensory by nature – when you realise this all that is left to do is to start engaging with the world beyond the 5 senses. This is the journey from limited consciousness to boundless awareness and from the mundane to they mystical. It is where you find your authentic self, a self far beyond what you may have ever thought you would be.

Towards a Definition of Quantum Sensory

While quantum refers to a general quantity or size, it is most often used to measure forms of energy, or the amount of energy that something can or does possess. The plural form is quanta. In the 17th century, the word quantum, from the Latin word for “how much,” referred to a portion. The portion of senses allotted to every human being is possibly the same or similar however the quantity of senses used, accessed and actioned is different. Some people remain very singular-sensory even despite their age or experience in life. They see a stimulus through one of their 5 senses and almost automatically response to that stimulus on auto-pilot. Others are multi-sensory and use more than one sense at a time. A skilled or trained Navy seal, a brain surgeon or a skilled business woman or psychologist may have honed these multi-sensory skills. We then get the extrasensory individual who has become aware of and then accessed their quantum sensory energy. These people have the extraordinary ability to use insight, imagination and the power of intention to their advantage. They are able to access the gap between stimulus and response and process information like a mentalist or someone with what we may call a sixth sense. They are able to use their highest, contemplative intelligence (CQ) to reason, think, deeply feel and problem solve or respond to their environment. These quantum sensory skills can be practised once people become aware that they are available within. Practicing meditation, contemplative practices, prayer and other similar skills help us to connect with our internal energy and abilities to interact with people, places and things at the deepest level.

Becoming Quantum Sensory

An animals survival is highly dependent on their ability to perceive and sense any stimulus or changes in the environment. Some animals have different perceptions accessed from their senses. While they also possess some senses that humans have, they tend to have this at far higher intensity and sensitivity. Bats use echolocation to navigate their environment without the use of eyesight while snakes use infrared navigation to get about. Elephants have double the amount of sensors in their trunks that a dog has while bees are able to sense the electromagnetic field of the earth to navigate from flower to flower. The closest humans came to a sixth sense awareness in the past may be through proprioception. Proprioception, otherwise known as kinaesthesia, is your body’s ability to sense movement, action, and location. It’s present in every muscle movement you have. Without proprioception, you wouldn’t be able to move without thinking about your next step.

However life is far more complex than the needs of the body to navigate life. We are complex emotional, spiritual and deeply psychologically complex creatures that have both body and spirit to contend with. To make decisions far greater than our current circumstances, or beyond our primal basic needs is required to bring an end to wars, unnecessary suffering, selfishness that causes pain to the people we love and even to future generations. To do this we need to access our Quantum sensory capabilities much like Jesus, Gandhi or the Buddha have done in the past. When they did so they changed the world, their environments, forever. That is the power of Quantum Sensory perception.

If we are stuck in a mindset of meaninglessness at times. If we are weighed down by depression or a mindset of lack and of stress we will do well to understand how Becoming Quantum Sensory or more than just the physical senses, links us to reality, truth and bliss. You see, if we can see and then begin to feel the bigger picture we will understand the goodness, kindness and intention of reality and truth exactly as they are unfolding within you and within the world and universe alike. We will see them as they are beyond the confines of the limited personality. There is something quite grand going on here and it takes an extrasensory perspective to connect with it.

Your personality is made up of how you think, act, and feel. It is your state of being. Therefore, your same thoughts, actions, and feelings will keep you enslaved to the same past personal reality.

Dr. Joe Dispenza


We all need to go through an important awakening process. We are born incomplete yet unfolding much like a flower in the field. We know this already. So next, we now need to have a major Paradigm Shift. This means a change in how we perceive, think, feel, and definitely how we act and behave. And then, of course, the results of how we experience the world. If we’re not spiritually awake, if we’re not awakening our contemplative intelligence and our prefrontal creative cortex, we tend to be stuck in an ancient lizard monkey mind.

We call this journey the journey from personality back to spirituality. And what does that mean? Simply put, spirituality means being able to look inside without activating our masks of personality, victim positions, fear, and co-dependence. For example, how we experience life is completely different from one person to another. This journey that we’re all on, surely we know this by now around mid-2024, we understand that something is happening. Science, religion, the East, the West, the North, and the South all agree. They may agree very lightly, but they at least agree that something BIG is happening. The idea that everything showed up randomly without purpose is a more ridiculous notion than anyone can bear any longer.

Indeed we are transforming. We can see it physically, emotionally and psychologically and arguably spiritually too. Your spiritual principles develop throughout our lives. We are becoming more conscious and from an individual growing consciousness we then connect collectively. So without losing anybody in too many details I can put it like this. To explain the journey from personality to spirituality understand that how one person experiences life is not how another can experience it, which is indeed a revelation on its own, because if we change our thoughts feelings and perceptions we get to experience another world which is is a mystery, it’s a miracle. It’s marvellous!

Becoming Quantum Sensory

So how I sit with my personality and experience time for example, or how I experience space, or matter in this room is one way my personality uses five senses. Just a measly five to experience the entire universe. Now as a child those five are enough for us to deal with. They’re a lot. We experience what we see for example in this room, or what we feel on our skin, or the feeling the chair, or the feeling the body itself. If that’s the way I’m experiencing this room right now, will have the effect over time that it’s going to be mundane boring and I’m going to be stuck in certainty, craving a need for un uncertainty or adventure to get out of this room. So life really has my back and it’s pulling me along. It is pulling us all along. Change is a law. It is a law of impermanence.

That peace that we’re after, lies somewhere beyond personality, beyond the perception of others, beyond invention and disguise, even beyond effort itself.

Jim Carrey
Beyond your Primal Brain

Experiencing the world with a lizard brain, a mammalian brain, a brain that has its Primal needs, based in survival and certainty is fine. But its not great. I always say there’s no wrong way to live a life and when you get it, you get it, but indeed as we grow, as more knowledge comes available, as we dive deeper into self we become more wise. We become collectively more. More conscious. We understand that of course who I am is not based in the five senses alone. It’s not based in time, space, or matter. It’s based in something more .

When I say “I am Mark”. The I am is recognizing the personality which is Mark. That’s the name, the title , the story of us getting from A to B. It is a story which has put me into this space right now, and you into the space you are in right now. A whole bunch of responses that we’ve had, responses to the effects, consequences and situations that life has given us makes up our personality which is the story of who we think we are for a time. Becoming Quantum Sensory means we wake up to the fact that that is not who we really are.

Becoming quantum sensory means that I understand I have intuition leading the way. I can set an intention, and see that intention through the Law of Attraction. I can start to see my intentions unfold because I’m in touch with the extrasensory side of who I really am as a sacred Divine being. Not as a physical body alone.

Paradox of personality

Essentially a good way to start waking up is realizing that there’s two of everything there’s a paradox going on here. There’s day and night, light and dark, tall and short ,strong and weak and on and on we could go forever right? But this is the story of the universe and it’s a beautiful, beautiful story and of course we’re part of that story and we’re experiencing the same Paradox of personality over and over again.

For example we could can look at our brain and how your brain is going to experience whatever is happening in its environment through the five senses. In response to that experience your brain is going to send out oxytocin. It’s going to send out dopamine. It’s going to send out serotonin. It’s going to send out whatever it can to the body to signal its interpretation of the environment as good or bad and as safe or unsafe. Understand that whatever is happening in that environment it’s processed through your brain it’s then felt and processed through the five senses and becomes an experience that the body can actually feel as its reality.

Becoming Quantum Sensory

Sharpen your quantum senses through practice

We practice extrasensory abilities through stillness. Through going from observable form to the unseen or formless. From the physical to the spiritual if you will. Stillness through meditation is one way we can do that. Very seldom people do an hours walking meditation with us and come out the same.

Through stillness, through meditation, through contemplative intelligence practices we get to the quantum senses. Through Stillness of the body, of the brain waves, of the heart rate variabilities and from beta to alpha waves we take the journey. It is from delta to Theta waves in the brain we get there. It is through taking command of the mothership and of observing the personality that we see there is an observer and an observed side to who we really are. Let me ask you this, if Captain Kirk is driving the Starship Enterprise, which is the personality, then who is driving Captain Kirk?

The end of a 5 sensory world

If you’re experiencing life as despair, as mundane, you’re probably locked in a frightened personality and you need to move towards changing and shifting your energy through a paradigm shift. By going into stillness, by going within and creating something formless. Energy is formless and of course you know that this body, that what the personality is perceiving as ‘Mark’ as you is actually formless.

This body is formless although at first glance it does not appear to be. Its full of particles that are moving at the speed of light. The ‘formed’ is not really happening, it is just allowing us to experience our thoughts perceptions and feelings in concrete form, or as matter, so that we can then understand and experience the conscious shifts of life.

There’s a marvellous and wonderful shift to a universal nature and we need that first personality or mask to contain who we are to become one day. Who we are to become is an I-am that is the universe, the cosmos, or nature itself. It’s part of the creative, a part of God. That was His or Her intention an intention to create you as part-of. Part of it ALL. That said, realise who you really are, and whom you really are becoming. Yes, you can get stuck at the level of personality for a time, but life itself is drawing you forwards to experience Itself beyond the 5 senses.

Becoming Quantum Sensory is the shift towards living, thinking, feeling, and doing through intuition, intention, insight, imagination, and much, much more. All you need to do to begin the journey into the quantum field is to know that it exists and then to get so still, so aware, and so open that your authentic, infinite, and divine self awakens and starts calling the shots.

For more information on Becoming Quantum Sensory and how to heal your personality disorders known or unknown, through to burnout, stress, ADHD or BPD get n touch. Marks professional team of psychologists and experts work at the Center for Healing and Life Transformation in South Africa and have helped thousands of people heal since 2012. Why wait is our message. You really, really can heal your life!

From personality to spirituality

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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